MONACO Cristian

Cadre de recherche C1ifremer

Tél : +(689) 40 54 60 52
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Adresse :
Département Ressources Biologiques Environnement
BP 49
98719 Taravao

Thématique(s) de Recherche  :

Ecologie marine, physiologie des invertébrés marines, modèle de bilan énergétique dynamique (DEB), interactions écologiques, changement climatique, aquaculture

Publications :


  • Makherana F., Cuthbert R.N., Monaco C.J., Dondofema F., Wasserman R.J., Chauke G.M., Munyai L.F. & Dalu T. Informing spread predictions of two alien snails using movement traits. Science of the Total Environment, 811, 152364.


  • Barker C., Monaco C.J. & McQuaid C.D. Exposure to fluctuating temperature increases thermal sensitivity in two lineages of the intertidal mussel Perna perna. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 668: 85-95.
  • Monaco C.J., Sangare N., Le Moullac G., Basset C., Belliard C., Mizuno K., Smith D.L. & Lo-Yat A. Dynamic Energy Budget model suggests feeding constraints and physiological stress in black-lip pearl oysters, 5 years post mass-mortality event. Marine Pollution Bulletin 167, 112329.
  • Monaco C.J., Bradshaw C.J.A., Booth D.J., Gillanders B.M., Schoeman D.S. & Nagelkerken I. Natural and anthropogenic climate variability shape assemblages of range-extending coral-reef fishes. Journal of Biogeography, 48(5): 1063-1075.
  • Monaco C.J., Nagelkerken I., Booth D.J., Figueira W.F., Gillanders B.M., Schoeman D.S. & Bradshaw C.J.A. Opposing life stage-specific effects of ocean warming at source and sink populations of range-shifting coral-reef fishes. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90(3): 615-627.


  • Cuthbert R., Dalu T., Wasserman R., Monaco C.J., Callaghan A., Weyl O. & Dick J. Assesing multiple predator, diurnal and search area effects on predatory impacts by ephemeral wetland specialist copepods. Aquatic Ecology, 1-11.
  • Ndhlovu A., McQuaid C.D., Nicastro K., Marquet N., Gektidis M., Monaco C.J. & Zardi G. Biogeographical patterns of endolithic infestation in an invasive and an indigenous intertidal marine ecosystem engineer. Diversity. 11(5):75.
  • Monaco C.J. & McQuaid C.D. Invasive species reproductive advantage: observations and predictions across an intertidal gradient. Biological Invasions.


  • Monaco C.J., Porporato E.M.D., Lathlean J.A., Tagliarolo M., Sarà G. & McQuaid C.D. Predicting the performance of cosmopolitan species: mechanistic model skill drops across large spatial scales. Marine Biology. 166(2):14.
  • Monaco C.J. & McQuaid C.D. Predicting the performance of cosmopolitan species: mechanistic model skill drops across large spatial scales. Scientific Reports. 8(1):16384.
  • Monaco C.J., McQuaid C.D. & Marshall D.J. Decoupling of behavioural and physiological thermal performance curves in ectotherm animals: a critical adaptive trait. Oecologia. 185(4):583-593.


  • Monaco C.J., Wethey D.S. & Helmuth B. Thermal sensitivity and the role of behavior in driving an intertidal predator-prey interaction. Ecological Monographs. 86:429-447.
  • Helmuth B., …, Monaco C.J. et al. Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors. Scientific Data. 3:160087. DOI 10.1038/sdata.2016.87.
  • Toscano B.J., Gownaris N., Heerhartz S. & Monaco C.J. Personality, foraging behavior and specialization: integrating behavioral and food web ecology at the individual level. Oecologia. 182:55-69.


  • Monaco C.J., Wethey D.S., Gulledge S. & Helmuth B. Shore level size gradients and thermal refuge use in the predatory sea star Pisaster ochraceus: the role of environmental stressors. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 593:191-205.
  • Daigle R.M., Monaco C.J. & Elgin A.K. An adaptable toolkit to assess commercial fishery costs and benefits related to marine protected area network design [version 2; referees: 2 approved]. F1000Research 2017, 4:1234 (doi:10.12688/f1000research.7312.2)
  • Toscano B.J. & Monaco C.J. Testing for relationships between individual crab behavior and metabolic rate across ecological contexts. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 69(8):1343-1351.


  • Monaco C.J., Wethey D.S. & Helmuth B. Parameterizing a Dynamic Energy Budget Model for the keystone predator Pisaster ochraceus. PLoS ONE. 9(8):e104658.


  • Burnett N.P., Seabra R., de Pirro M., Wethey D.S., Woodin S.A., Helmuth B., Zippay M.L., Sarà G., Monaco C., Lima F.P. An improved noninvasive method for measuring heartbeat of intertidal animals. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 11:91-100.


  • Fly E.K., Monaco C. J., Pincebourde S. & Tullis A. The influence of intertidal location and temperature on the metabolic cost of emersion in Pisaster ochraceus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 422-423: 20-28.


  • Monaco C.J. & Helmuth B. Tipping points, Thresholds and the Keystone Role of Physiology in Marine Climate Change Research. Advances in Marine Biology. 61: 123-160.


  • Monaco C.J., Brokordt K. & Gaymer C. Latitudinal thermal gradient effect over the cost of living of the intertidal porcelain crab Petrolisthes granulosus. Aquatic Biology. 9:23-33.
  • Gaymer C, Palma A.T., J.M.A. Vega, Monaco C.J. & L.A. Henriquez. Effects of La Niña on recruitment and abundance of juveniles and adults of benthic community-structuring species in northern Chile. Marine and Freshwater Research. 61:1185-1196.

Projets en course :

  • FITNESS – Facteur biotiques et abiotiques de la dynamique de recrutement des huîtres perlières (Direction de Ressources Marines de la Polynésie Française)
  • OSTREAPOL – Innovation scientifique et technologique pour la relance potentielle d’une filière ostréicole (Saccostrea sp.) en Polynésie française (Direction de Ressources Marines de la Polynésie Française)
  • PINCTADAPT – Pearl farming & stock monitoring under global change (Chanel)
  • GAIA – Management strategy evaluation for small-scale fisheries in Atoll lagoons (Agence National de la Recherche)